Fanboys Android and iPhone fanboys, do not try to hear you you: it's useless.

You find it crazy that fanboys can defend with equal fervor and often in bad faith, their preferred operating system? We.

Reassure yourself (or not), we observe the same phenomenon in other fields as hi-tech gadgets: If you attend a few car forums, you can find the same dialogue of the deaf often inflamed between fans of Renault and Peugeot , fervent advocates against those Mercedes BMW or Ferrari fans against those of Porsche.

To return to our sheep, it was long considered the Apple fanboys as the most hopeless, but judging by recent comments, some Android fanboys are worse than Apple fanboys. If so, it was possible.

You only one thing left to do: embrace your status fanboy fatal and download this beautiful artwork as wallpaper for your computer. In fact, Mac or PC

by [aoisora9x]  

Tags: Android, fanboy, IOS, iPhone, Fatal 


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